Website design for American Spaces, The State Department's website for public diplomacy, featuring videos from the Smithsonian.
Neiman Marcus: The Book
Front and back cover designs for Neiman Marcus: The Book, for Woody Pirtle / Pirtle Design.
Website for Artist Angela Voulgarelis
Website for artist Angela Voulgarelis.
David Hockney
Feature design for Smithsonian magazine on artist David Hockney, who draws childlike self-portraits on his iPad.
Smithsonian Kids
A new Smithsonian magazine for kids.
Logo and Signage for Dörrer Jewelers
Logo for Dörrer Jewelers.
Sticker for Obama
Sticker design for President Obama.
Branding for "Now I Know"
Header for Now I Know, a daily newsletter of interesting facts.
Shift: Kingston
Postcard for an art show in Uptown Kingston, NY, with select photos featured in the show.
Poster for Kingston
Dentist Tom Cingel, founder of the O+ Festival, asked me to make a poster for an abandoned building in Kingston. It was a great improvement.
Emporda Guia
Redesign of Emporda Guia, the regional guide to Costa Brava, just north of Barcelona.